

  • 88% of consumers judge the quality of a local business based on their website

  • 99% of business owners LOVE the look & functionality of Epiic websites

What You'll Get With Our Epiic Websites..

Having a professional website can be the most effective way to showcase your services, attract new customers, and grow your business.

Some Of Our Epiic Website Designs...

Each Epiic Website Includes:

Our websites are created to help you reach more potential customers. They are carefully designed to do more than just display information – they're crafted to turn visitors into valuable leads. All of our websites are easy to use, so visitors can engage with your brand effortlessly.

Our websites are carefully designed to do more than just display information – they're crafted to turn visitors into leads. All of our websites are easy to use, so visitors can engage with your business easily.

Our review system simplifies the task of gathering positive 5-star reviews, helping you establish an impressive reputation effortlessly. We guide you in connecting with customers to build trust and confidence in your brand, crucial in today's digital environment.

Our review system simplifies the task of gathering positive 5-star reviews, helping you establish an impressive reputation effortlessly. We guide you in connecting with customers to build trust and confidence in your brand, crucial in today's digital environment.

Our automated follow-up system takes the hassle out of nurturing leads and maintaining customer relationships. We seamlessly integrate this into your business to ensure that no potential opportunity falls through the cracks. From initial contact to post-purchase engagement, our automated follow-up guarantees that your brand stays top-of-mind, fostering loyalty and maximizing conversion potential.

Our automated follow-up system takes the hassle out of nurturing leads and maintaining customer relationships. We seamlessly integrate this into your business to ensure that no potential opportunity falls through the cracks. From initial contact to post-purchase engagement, our automated follow-up guarantees that your brand stays top-of-mind, fostering loyalty and maximizing conversion potential.

Our social media scheduler enables you to schedule posts across various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more, maximizing your reach. The more consistent you are on social media, the stronger your online presence becomes, fostering greater engagement and brand loyalty among your audience.

Our social media scheduler enables you to schedule posts across various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more, maximizing your reach. The more consistent you are on social media, the stronger your online presence becomes, fostering greater engagement and brand loyalty among your audience.

Our Epiic Growth plan will take your business to new heights. During our call, we'll dive into your business's unique strengths, challenges, and vision. Together, we'll outline a roadmap that aligns with your goals, that includes everything from bringing in new leads to customer engagement and beyond. Your business success story starts with a plan – let's make it epiic!

Our automated follow-up system takes the hassle out of nurturing leads and maintaining customer relationships. We seamlessly integrate this into your business to ensure that no potential opportunity falls through the cracks. From initial contact to post-purchase engagement, our automated follow-up guarantees that your brand stays top-of-mind, fostering loyalty and maximizing conversion potential.

Our Epiic Growth plan will take your business to new heights. During our call, we'll dive into your business's unique strengths, challenges, and vision. Together, we'll outline a roadmap that aligns with your goals, that includes everything from bringing in new leads to customer engagement and beyond. Your business success story starts with a plan – let's make it epiic!

Getting Started With An Epiic Website is as easy as 1.... 2.... 3...!

"The most powerful tool at our business. Period!" - Mike Cooch

Why you can NO LONGER AFFORD to waste time & money on a half-a$$ website...

"The most powerful tool at our business. Period!" - Mike Cooch

  • First Impressions Matter: 88% of consumers judge the quality of a local business based on their website. A professional website creates a positive first impression, whereas a poorly designed one can drive potential customers away​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (Sagapixel)​.

  • Customer Expectations: Today’s consumers expect businesses to have a strong online presence. If your website is outdated or unprofessional, it can undermine your credibility and make your business seem less trustworthy​ (Safari Digital)​​ (LocaliQ)​.

  • SEO and Visibility: A well-designed website is essential for effective local SEO. This helps your business rank higher in search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Over 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information​ (HubSpot Blog)​​ (On The Map Marketing)​.

  • Competition: Many of your competitors are likely investing in professional websites and SEO. Falling behind in this area means losing out to competitors who have better online visibility and user experience​ (Safari Digital)​​ (LocaliQ)​.

What Our Customers Have To Say...

What Our Customers

Have To Say...

"The most powerful tool at our business. Period!" - Mike Cooch

"How Much Does an Epiic Website Cost?"

"The most powerful tool at our business. Period!" - Mike Cooch

  • Website designers often charge $1,000's of dollars to build a website (then your responsible for the upkeep)

  • At Epiic Websites we build you a professional website for FREE, you just have to pay for monthly hosting

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can You Offer a FREE Website?

We offer a FREE websites to local business owners because we understand the high costs of running a business. The only expense you'll incur is the monthly hosting fee.

What is Website Hosting?

Website hosting is the space on the internet where your website lives—think of it as its home. Every website you see on the internet needs to be hosted somewhere. Our hosting service includes security and backups to ensure your site stays safe and secure.

What Do You Mean By Unlimited Website Updates?

We understand that business owners don't have the time or patience to keep their website up to date, so that why we include unlimited updates with all of our websites. So whether you need to change a photo or update the content, we’re here to do that for you :)

What is Text Notification Form Submissions?

Our text notification system will send you a personal text every time someone fills out a form on your website, that way you get notified right away when someone is inquiring about your services. The notification will include their name, phone number, and the type of service they are seeking.

What is the Google 5 Star Review System?

Our Google review system helps you easily collect 5 star reviews for your Google listing (or GMB is what we call it), which is a huge ranking factor for local businesses online. The more 5 star reviews you have the better and Google will reward you by boosting you to the top of the search results.

What is the Epiic App?

The Epiic app is an app on your iPhone or Andriod that funnels all your conversations from your website, Google, Facebook and Instagram into one place. The app makes it easy to respond back to anyone who contacts you through any of these platforms.

What Are Branded Automations?

Branded automations are branded text messages that automatically get sent out to customers if your busy or unable to get to the answer their questions in time. These automations help improving customer engagement and consistency with your brand.

How Do I Get Started?

Schedule a call with us to discuss your business needs and quickly get you started with your new website. Our goal is to have your website up and running within just 7 days.

Contact Us

Bowmanville, ON

(289) 809-6224

Service Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

Social Media


2024 | Epiic Websites | Sitemap

Contact Us

Service Hours

Social Media

Bowmanville, ON

(289) 809-6224

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

2024 |Epiic Websites | Sitemap

Epiic Marketing Inc